Pricing and Features

ArrangeMe Pro

$79.99 / year

Earn more on each sale with an extra 2% over standard ArrangeMe commissions.
Publisher profile page on Sheet Music Direct and Sheet Music Plus. Personalize your page with a profile image, your bio, and customizable carousels to feature your titles.
Receive a Noteflight Premium subscription to publish interactive titles directly to ArrangeMe.
Upload custom images for all of your titles*. Tie your brand together by adding a single image or logo for all your publications, or use a unique image for each individual title.
*may not appear on all retail sites
Edit and update multiple titles at the same time.
Expanded distribution and print on-demand options for your titles via Hal Leonard's network of over 5,000 InStore digital retailers.
ArrangeMe Pro members receive 10% off* purchases at!
*some restrictions apply

Increased commissions

Earn more with an additional 2% over standard ArrangeMe commissions.

Publisher profile pages

Publisher profile pages on Sheet Music Direct and Sheet Music Plus. Customize your page with a profile image, bio, and featured titles.

Free Noteflight Premium subscription ($49/year value)

Receive a complimentary Noteflight Premium subscription with ArrangeMe Pro! Publish interactive titles directly from Noteflight. Includes access to over 80,000 Hal Leonard digital sheet music titles and the full suite of Noteflight's cloud-based editor tools and instruments.

Custom title images

Upload your own custom images for all of your titles*. Tie your brand together by adding a single image or logo for all your publications or use a unique image for each individual title.
*may not appear on all retail sites

Bulk title editing

Edit and update multiple titles at the same time including title details, title images, difficulty level, genre, even adjust your price!

10% discount at Sheet Music Direct

ArrangeMe Pro members receive 10% off* purchases at
*some restrictions apply

Sheet Music Direct logo

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$79.99/YEAR *
*Taxes/VAT calculated at checkout
**Some restrictions apply