About ArrangeMe

ArrangeMe, owned and operated by Hal Leonard, is the global platform designed to enable songwriters, composers, and arrangers to sell their arrangements of popular songs, public domain works, and original compositions through the world's most-popular sheet music retailers.

Via integrations with retailers including Sheet Music Plus, Sheet Music Direct, and Noteflight, sheet music published through ArrangeMe is available for purchase by millions of musicians worldwide.

No membership fees, distribution fees, or publishing fees are required to participate in ArrangeMe. Members who publish through the ArrangeMe platform earn money for every piece of music sold, while ArrangeMe handles logistics including distribution, commission payments, and copyrighted song licensing.

The ArrangeMe platform works with songwriters, composers and arrangers in conjunction with the world's largest music rights-holders to make the world's music available to musicians of all instruments, styles, and skill levels.

Through licensing agreements with music publishers including Universal Music Publishing, Sony Music Publishing, Downtown Music, Kobalt Music, BMG/Chrysalis, Concord Music, and many others, ArrangeMe allows for composers and arrangers to not only publish their own original compositions, but also their own arrangements of over five million popular, copyrighted titles.

By working together with arrangers, songwriters, consumers, and publishers, ArrangeMe ensures all parties involved in the creation of music are rewarded fairly for their work, and that the music sold through ArrangeMe is readily available to any musician in the world.

History of ArrangeMe

The first iteration of what is now ArrangeMe began in 2011 when Sheet Music Plus launched their groundbreaking "Digital Print Publishing" program—a platform focused on allowing independent composers to share arrangements of their original works on the popular sheetmusicplus.com website. In 2016, in conjunction with Hal Leonard, the platform expanded to the first iteration of "ArrangeMe" — as an initial 1,000 copyrighted titles were made available for arrangement, and subsequent sale.

In time, the platform became known as "SMP Press," and functioned as a combined system to allow songwriters, composers, and arrangers to offer their own original compositions, arrangements, and a catalog that ultimately allowed for the licensed, legal arrangement, publication, and sale of several million popular, copyrighted titles.

To further serve the music-making community, a new platform called Noteflight was launched in August of 2018 as the world's first legal way to buy and sell editable notation files. Noteflight included thousands of composers and arrangers who were excited about making their work available. As a Hal Leonard company, Noteflight also launched Noteflight Music with over 55,000 Hal Leonard titles that could be purchased and adapted, or even rearranged for sale.

In 2019, the ArrangeMe program was expanded to represent self-publishing on both SMP Press and Noteflight, and work began to consolidate ArrangeMe into one Hal Leonard service that could represent all sellers and get their music out to multiple platforms.

Today, ArrangeMe combines the success, learnings, and amazing library of member-generated content to offer a single integrated platform with all the benefits of both SMP Press and Noteflight—along with improved reporting, and an even larger catalog of available songs.

In addition, ArrangeMe features expanded distribution options to several of the world’s most-popular online sheet music retailers, including Sheet Music Plus, Noteflight, and the latest addition to the ArrangeMe distribution network, Sheet Music Direct.

How to Contact Us

ArrangeMe is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, though we have team members throughout the world. If you’d like to reach out to our team, you can do so via email at support@arrangeme.com, or you can mail us the old-fashioned way at:

c/o Hal Leonard
7777 W Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, WI 53213